Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Meaningful Rambling

After nearly eight years of being a stay-at-home-mom, and occasional student/nanny/childcare provider, you may begin to wonder where all of this is going.
you may question your choice to be the primary caregiver to your children, and you may even cruise craigslist occasionally for job listings (god, if only your nah-nahs weren't leaking and your tummy didn't look like a highway map of California- you could be a dancer).
But then, you see your herd, your magnificent circus of spawn, blue and brown eyes gazing your way, long/curly/thick/red/barely-there hair brushing along your arm, icy toes finding their way into your many crevices and you smile, and maybe even drool from the loss of concentration (no? just me?)). So anyway, you're there, gay as a tube of vasoline on Stark, bathing in the beauty of your happy family, content with love and compassion, understanding and forgiveness.
You may realize just how much they depend on you, how much they need you when boo-boos happens, or algebra clicks, or to see the results of an experiment involving cocoa mix, dish soap and a candy cane.
If you weren't there, with your loves, you would miss these moments, the everyday ups and downs of growing, learning, doing, trying, being, laughing. you would miss their kisses and hugs, 143's and bellys.
and then you know. you see where you are, who you've become and what you envision for the future. you appreciate the opportunity to watch your children, the be there with them, to shape their minds and nourish their bodies.
you love them, and that is why you are here.


  1. I could be a dancer! ha ha. I loved this! Thanks for saying out loud things I only say in my head!

  2. thank you so much :)

    and someday, I promise, I will comment on your blogs (have been reading)..

