Thursday, February 12, 2009

Love, Love, Love (postpartum wisdom)

a double shot soy latte is the creme de la crop. extra points if you add a sparkle of cinnamon, a dash of nutmeg or a pearl of chocolate. You can look at machines here (ours is a $300 Starbucks Barista- my first credit card, Luv and I were drinking way too much coffee and we saw it as a good investment. still around five years later...)

flowers, whatever variety, potted preferred. There's an essence, a vivid energy,an uninterrupeted glow about them. breathe it in. And give flowers to others, often.

a wide array of fresh fruits and vegetables. nourish your body, and eat compassionately. h e r e a r e a f e w

Yoga, in and of itself, unites your body with your mind, relaxing your soul and energizing your being. Lock yourself in a room, children preferrably sleeping/eating/watching a movie, and make a routine. Start easy, because you'll be consistently interrupted, and when you're feeling ready, take a class. It really does help..

(more later)

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